
Project Partnership

Extending the mission to other developers

Sharing our experience and mentoring to further the cause

Many states have established guidelines for participation in low-income housing finance programs, which includes low-income housing tax credits, HUD HOME funds and various other programs. In order to utilize these resources, developers must demonstrate previous experience, and in some cases, nonprofit status. Those “start-up” organizations which do not meet the experience requirement as both owners and developers of affordable housing or want to achieve nonprofit status benefits, must partner with organizations that have met the state’s qualifying standards.

The Paces Foundation has been sought out by start-up and diversifying nonprofits as well as for-profit developers to partner with them on new affordable housing development projects. We provide both the experience and mentoring required in a state mandated partnership structure, while helping the partnering organization access restricted state resources. Reach out to us for your next project. We’re happy to help.

We’ve supported and expanded the mission of several entities such as: Georgia State Trade Association of Nonprofit Developers (GSTAND); Georgia Affordable Housing Corporation (a CDFI); Rea Ventures; Catholic Housing Initiatives; and Catholic Personal Care Homes.